sabato 6 febbraio 2010

53_trad 04

The risk of breast cancer increases exponentially up to the age of menopause, at which time the rate of increase in the risk slows significantly. After the age of 80, the incidence of breast cancer begins to show a slight decline. For women in their late 30s, the annual increase in risk of developing breast cancer is approximately 0.07% per year. This increases to 0.44% per year for women in their late 70s. Although these percentages may seem low, they represent only the risk for a given year; the lifetime risk is a summation of the annual breast cancer risks. Because younger women have a longer life expectancy than older women, younger women have a greater lifetime risk. Only 0.43% of women develop breast cancer before the age of 40, whereas 4% of women develop breast cancer between the ages of 40 and 59 and 6.88% of women develop breast cancer between the ages of 60 and 79 (379).

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